NicePlayer 0.93

We released NicePlayer 0.93 today. The most important feature is the ability to switch the plugin of the currently playing movie dynamically. For those of you using NicePlayer, it tries to detect the appropriate plugins (plugins that claim to be able to open the current file type), but you can hold down option to see all of the plugin choices. The OS X DVD Playback framework appears to be getting worse with each release, which affects NicePlayer somewhat. We’ve done our best to work around the new problems in the framework though. We also fixed some crashes, and you can now play audio files in NicePlayer without the window disappearing. There’s some expanded AppleScript support, including a new AppleScript menu. All in all things keep getting better and better. Unfortunately we’re not able to play protected content (yet), hopefully Apple will fix this in a future update to the OS. If you’re using the Xine plugin, be sure to update, as there are some issues addressed with NicePlayer 0.93 compatibility, including a crash and some undesired behavior when dropping a folder full of media onto NicePlayer. Enjoy!

3 Responses to “NicePlayer 0.93”

  1. Jay Tuley says:

    ::eyes squinting:: I would say the most important feature is the script menu. 😉

  2. How were you able to get around the bugs that prevented video from showing and those other pesky bugs? You have example code from .92 on your NicePlayer site, but nothing with the fixes in .93. Tiger’s DVDPlayback stuff is really getting me down.

  3. Robert Chin says:

    Jason: I’ve updated the NicePlayer page to include the code from our latest DVDPlayback plugin. Hope this helps.

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